Keys To The Extraordinary Life

The first key to the extraordinary life is the Christian life. The Christian life, the normal Christian life is an extraordinary life. We learn a lot from the life of Moses. God got the attention of Moses through a burning bush that was not consumed. That particular encounter defined Moses’ eternal destiny.

Later on in his life and assignment, Moses would endure hardship, tough times and a long wilderness journey like a man that could hear the inaudible, see the invisible, and believe the impossible. Though the burning bush was unique to Moses, the supernatural, which it represented, is part of the normal Christian experience.

The experience of the Israelites of passing through the Red Sea in the Old Testament under the leadership of Moses is likened to baptism. The children of Israel were immersed into Moses as we should be immersed into Christ in the New Testament (I Corinthians 13: 1- 2; Mark 16: 15-16; Matthew 28; 18-19).

Becoming a Christian opens the door to living the Christian life and entering the kingdom of God. This is the first key to the extraordinary life.  The normal Christian life is an extraordinary life. God loves to invade our lives and to leave behind footprints of the supernatural.

Knowing God and walking with God everyday will have a profound impact on our life here on earth. To know God, you have to enter through the door of Jesus. This is a supernatural experience like no other.