Our Vision

The KARM vision is to raise ‘Transformed individuals as Agents of Change in society who fulfil their specific destiny in God, change spiritual climates, possess and transform their territories for God, and leave an indelible mark in the sands of time’

Our Mission

KARM’s mission is to spread the fires of revival and reformation among the nations of the world. We fulfill our mission by preaching the gospel of the kingdom, strengthening the local church, shaping the thinking of a new generation, building and preserving eternal truths in the hearts of men who become agents of change

Our Mandate

The Core Mandates of the KARM are:
1. To preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God in the cities and nations of the earth
2. To practice and exemplify the gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the world
3. To build apostolic bases, leaders and structures that will be highways for the next move of God
4. To spearhead national transformation in the African continent and beyond

The Calling of the Local Church

The number one calling of the church is that people go. The church is the equipping ground for kingdom carriers and kingdom enforcers. The purpose of the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints. The church is to train and send people. The people so sent must carry God into every sphere of society.

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Following Jesus as disciples and connecting with others as part of a spiritual family
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From our blog

I Found Christ Early
I Found Christ Early

I remember giving my life to God as a teenager many years ago. As I recount it, I can only say it was a supernatural experience that changed my...

Keys To The Extraordinary Life
Keys To The Extraordinary Life

The first key to the extraordinary life is the Christian life. The Christian life, the normal Christian life is an extraordinary life. We learn a...

Living A Focused Life
Living A Focused Life

In order to succeed, we need to focus our strength and energy on those things we can control and continue to apply ourselves on a daily basis...

Keys To The Extraordinary Life – Part 2
Keys To The Extraordinary Life – Part 2

The second key to the extraordinary life is obedience. The story of Elijah and the widow is a journey into the workings of the supernatural...

Keys To Living The Extraordinary Life – Part 1
Keys To Living The Extraordinary Life – Part 1

WELCOME! Welcome to KARM GLOBAL! If you are learning of KARM for the first time, we are so glad you are here. We are looking at the Series – Keys...

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